
11 Servings


 2  c  wheat flour, flour; Sifted all-purpose 
 1  ts  baking soda baking soda 
 2  ts  baking powder 
 1/2  c  sugars sugar; granulated 
 1/2  ts  salt 
 4  ea  egg white 
 1 1/4  c  milk, nonfat milk; skimmed 
 1  c  blueberries; fresh or frozen 
   (Thawed if frozen) 

Preparation for Low Fat and Healthy Blueberry muffins Recipe:

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 2. Spray twelve 2 to 2 1/2 inch
muffin pan cups 3. Into large bowl, sift flour with soda, powder and
salt 4. Into medium size bowl beat egg whites and milk 5. Add sugar,
then egg mixture into large bowl. With spatula, blend until
throughly combined. (mixure should be slightly lumpy) 6. Glently fold
blueberries into mixture 7. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups
about 2/3 cups from top. 8. Bake 18 to 22 minutes

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