Barley - GI and GL List
Barley, pearled (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 22 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 22 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley, Mean of 5 studies, GI and GL Glycemic Index = 25 ± 1 (low) Glycemic Load = 7 (low) for a typical serving size of 150g Glycemic Load per 100g = 11 (medium) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 42 g
Barley, pot, boiled in salted water 20 min (Goudas foods, Concord, Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 25 ± 2 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 27 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley, pearled (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 29 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) (India), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 37 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Mean of 2 groups of subjects, GI and GL Glycemic Index = 43 ± 6 (low) Glycemic Load = 12 (medium) for a typical serving size of 150g Glycemic Load per 100g = 18 (medium) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 42 g
Buckwheat groats, hydrothermally treated, dehusked, boiled 12 min (Sweden), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 45 (low) Glycemic Load = 9 (low) for a typical serving size of 150g Glycemic Load per 100g = 14 (medium) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 30 g
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) (India), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 48 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Buckwheat (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 49 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley, cracked (Malthouth, Tunisia), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 50 (low) Glycemic Load = 14 (medium) for a typical serving size of 150g Glycemic Load per 100g = 21 (high) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 42 g
Buckwheat (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 51 ± 10 (low) Glycemic Load = NA |
Buckwheat, Mean of 3 studies, GI and GL Glycemic Index = 54 ± 4 (low) Glycemic Load = 11 (medium) for a typical serving size of 150g Glycemic Load per 100g = 16 (medium) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 30 g
Buckwheat (Canada), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 63 (medium) Glycemic Load = NA |
Barley, rolled (dry) (Australia), GI and GL Glycemic Index = 66 ± 5 (medium) Glycemic Load = 50 (high) for a typical serving size of 50g Glycemic Load per 100g = 25 (high) Availabe carbohydrate per 100g = 38 g