Its major function is to combine with protein and copper in making hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues which need oxygen to maintain basic life functions. Iron builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease. It is also necessary for the formation of myoglobin which is found only in muscle tissue. Myoglobin supplies oxygen to muscle cells for use in the chemical reaction that results in muscle contraction. Iron also prevent fatigue and promotes good skin tone. Adult men and post-menopausal women lose very little iron except through bleeding. Your body usually maintains normal iron status by controlling the amount of iron absorbed from food.
Iron Rich Foods
fish, poultry, meat,
We have also sorted our nutrition database by iron rich foods. So you can easily see how much iron is contained in different foods. You can also search through our database using the search box below or browse by category the iron rich foods.
iron in foods - by food category
Deficiency of Iron may cause:
paleness of skin
heart palpitations
shortness of breath
spoon shaped nails with ridges running lengthwise